
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Heartache in Japan

My heart goes out to those suffering in Japan.  What a tragic few days they have had.  Words can't even begin to describe the heartache and sorrow unfolding in their country.  I feel completely and utterly helpless.  I am so far away I wish that I could go there and help in some small way.  If even just to hold and rock a child that is lost and scared.  I am sure there are many without familiar loved ones to comfort them.  Today as I have viewed the photographs of those that are in Japan I am reminded of how deeply a picture can reach down to the very core and tug away at your heart strings.  I pray with all my heart that Heavenly Father will comfort and once again bring healing and peace to their country.  We are told in the scriptures "that we cannot behold with our natural eyes, for the present time the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation.  For after much tribulation come the blessings." D&C 58:3  I certainly believe that the Lord will heal and bless the people of Japan. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Senior Pictures Time

The time is now for all you graduating seniors.  You lucky dogs.....The moment you have waited for, for years!  It's finally here.  And now your scared and not ready to move on into the unknown.  Well, that's what I've heard from some of you.  Years later you will look back on this time and wonder, what was I so afraid of.  It will be easier to remember if you have a great photo of yourself.  (There is my big plug for  You need a stunning portrait of yourself.  Amazingly enough, I can help you with that.  I would love to get those perfect shots of you and the things you want to remember during this most important time of your life.  Let's face it our brains sometimes cloud or begin to fade.  A picture will last for many, many years.  Book you time now and save. Don't miss out on great deals until April 1.